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HomePerspectiveArtikel100 Rahasia Sukses yang telah terbukti secara Ilmiah - Bag. 2

100 Rahasia Sukses yang telah terbukti secara Ilmiah – Bag. 2

Berikut no. 26 – 50 hal-hal simpel yang dapat membuat Anda sukses

26. Avoid the Second-Guess Paralysis. Terlalu banyak berpikir what-if menyebabkan kelumpuhan bertindak.

27. Seek a Tall Plateau, Not the Peak. Ultimate moment will quickly come and go. Look for sustainability.

28. Play the Odds. Stay open for unexpected opportunities. The more try, the greater opportunity to come.

29. The Past Is Not the Future. Sukses Anda tergantung pada perilaku saat ini, you choose to purse or not.

30. Get a Good Night’s Sleep. Tidur yang kurang menurunkan kemampuan berpikir inovatif hingga 60%.

31. It Starts and Ends with You. mampu menerima tanggung jawab personal meningkatkan sukses.

32. Notice Patterns. Pay attention to any kind of patterns. Great thinkers notice patterns.

33. Efficiency in Everything. Setujuuuuu, inefisiensi mengurangi kepuasan hingga 21%.

34. Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day (But How Exactly?). Construct your goals in concrete term.

35. Lessons Can’t Threaten. Try to make a new thing clear for the outset that the destination is place to go.

36. Success Is Formula, Not Fantasy. Approach thing with order, common sense, consistency & persistence.

37. You Need to Know More Than Just How Talented You Are. U need confidence and respect to succeed.

38. Role Models Are Not One-Size-Fits-All. Choose your role model someone who fit to you.

39. Learn from Losses. The setbacks you experience are wonderful opportunity to learn.

40. Embrace Work; It May Have to Last Forever. Most retirees base their identity on their career…

41. Exercise and Eat Right. Sama seperti mobil, tubuh perlu bensin guna mendapatkan energi. Olahraga menjadikan energi lebih optimal.

42. Boredom Is The Enemy. Carilah variasi atau kebosenan akan menghabiskan persistensi Anda.

43. Be Clear About Your Role in the Outcome. U need to be clear about your own role in the outcome, whatever it is.

44. Make Change Count. Regularly see possibilities and opportunities to pursue change.

45. Listening Is More Than Not Talking. Investing ourselves in what others are saying.

46. Take Off Your Blinder. Jauhkan stereotipe, orang yang menggunakan stereotipe dalam menilai orang lain 39% cenderung percaya bahwa hanya adah peluang yang terbatas untuk diri mereka.

47. You’ll Get What You’re Afraid Of. Kekhawatiran hanya membuat Anda kurang produktif.

48. Think About Who You Ought to Be. People who focused on the life they ?ought’ to lead are more caring about other people than focused on the ?ideal’ life they could.

49. Leadership Is Contagious. If you seek to lead, your ability will ultimately be measured in the successes of those around you.

50. Want Support? Deserve It. You have to let them see how capable and dedicated you are.



Career coach, Writer, Researcher. "be happy, be simple..."


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